
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Scotland Part 2

On Monday I had to work the whole day.  Here's me in action.

Chris headed out for some breakfast and some walking.  There are "rolls" here.  It's a sandwich roll and you pick the stuffing.  I suppose it's the original of lobster rolls from the northeast. This one has sausage, egg, cheese, and brown gravy.  The castle here is a prominent landmark.  It was great weather, so he found a bench looking that way and enjoyed!

After he just spent his day walking the Royal Mile and other parts of Edinburgh. By the way, if you thought the "g" was pronounced in Edinburgh, you would be wrong, like I was, it sounds like Edin-
burr-a when it's pronounced.

This was lunch.  Fish and chips - that's right - 2 days in a row!  This one he said was way better, especially the tartar sauce.

After the workshop I attended, we met at the convention center and headed to Our Dynamic Earth.  It is a venue near Arthur's Seat, which is where modern geology was born.  This mound shown here, was the first evidence of how a volcano shapes rocks.  James Hutton, known as the father of geology, carefully observed the rock formations and was able to discern how the Earth's crust was formed.  We have plans to climb Arthur's seat on Friday.

We were greeted by a bagpipe player.

After the reception we walked to meet Pascale and Steve at Salsbury Arms

The glass that beer is served in is very important here.  Each brewery has its own glass.  Tenant happens to have power Ts on their glasses, and we couldn't resist! 


  1. That last photo is fantastic! love your threads and love your new hair Michelle! you both look gorgeous!

  2. Thanks!! The threads are courtesy of Christine. Pretty much all the nice clothes I have came from her and her sister. The hair is a test. It is so windy in Lund that I had to come up with a plan. The plan is curls and lots of hairspray!!
