
Friday, February 21, 2014

Burns' night

Robert Burns is a famous Scottish poet. My love is like a red, red rose is one of his poems. I remember picking it for my 7th grade reading class. In honor of good ole bobby, the Scots have Burns' night. Often celebrated in January as his death was on the 25th. Ken had a Scottish friend when he worked in France that introduced him to the tradition. So every year now he and his wife host a Burns' night.


There's a whole ceremony that goes along. At different times in the evening, speeches and toasts are given. Before soup, Pascale spoke of Burns' life.



Then out comes the haggis and there's a toast to the haggis, which Chris skillfully executed.


Ken play the fiddle and every year he and his kids go to Scotland for a folk music festival. While he's there, he gets a haggis. This one exploded, but was still tasty.

Neeps and tatties (turnips and potatoes) are traditional sides. Everything was really good! And what Scottish night would be complete without Scotch?

At some point there was a toast to the lassies and a toast to the laddies. The later was my job and it was terrible. After dessert we read poetry, some Burns' poetry, some others. I read the Jaberwocky by Lewis Carrol. I did much better with this than the toast.


One of my favorite things about living abroad is all the new traditions we have learned. Thanks Ken for such a lovely evening!



1 comment:

  1. Sounds like such a fun evening...though i would totally have to pull the old vegetarian excuse if i was ever served haggis! Love seeing photos of your new friends and also other peoples homes. I am digging the wall paper.
