
Friday, September 25, 2015

Italy: Rome

The second day in Italy took us to the port town of Civitavechia, an hour train from Rome. We were on a mission to get to the coliseum early in order to not have to wait hours to get in. We succeeded!


After a walk around the coliseum and the forum we grabbed some pizza in a ally just outside the coliseum. We both agreed it was some of the best pizza we had ever eaten!



We had a nice long walk through the city after lunch. August seems to be high tourist season in Rome. We avoided the crowds as best we could, and found some cool side streets in the process.

When I was in high school I visited Rome. I have a very specific memory of the Spanish Steps in my head. They looked a bit different when I saw them this time. Sure, that's been 25ish years ago and memories fade, but I also remember it being surrounded by designer stores and that part had not changed. I remember thinking how fancy everything was, and even though I've seen all these stores in many places, many times since, I was still a bit giddy to again feel what it felt like then to window shop the fancy stores.



There was a train stop near St. Peter's Basilica so we made this our last stop.




We saw the usual sites, the Coliseum, the Roman Forum, the Spanish steps, the Vatican, the Circus Maximus. We ate pizza and gelato. It was hot and sunny and I couldn't have been happier! Rome did not disappoint.