
Sunday, April 28, 2013

2 - 0 Malmö FF

One thing I have always wanted to experience is a fotboll game in Europe (that's soccer to the rest of you Americans). I have always been fascinated with the crowd interaction at European games. Of course, I hoped that if I ever did get a chance to go to a game in Europe, there would be more singing and flag waving and less cursing, rioting, and molotov cocktail throwing. I am pleased to say that yes I went and the home team won!

The game was Monday night and after having our stuff delivered to the house that morning, I was ready for some relaxing. I attended a Sweden Networking lecture about a week ago, and after the lecture the speaker introduced himself to me. We joked that I was a little out of place since I am one of just a couple of men in the Family Forum group with the ESS. I was in fact the only male in attendance that day so it was fitting. We chatted for a few minute,s and my like for soccer came up. He then made the suggestion that I should join him for a Malmö FF game that was coming up on Monday. Of course, I said YES! So here is a little recap.

Micael met me at the bus stop in Malmö, and we walked to the game. We arrived in enough time to grab a hamburger and a cold one before kickoff at the sports bar outside the stadium, O'Lealry's. Here are some pictures of the "new" stadium. This is the third season that they have been in the stadium. Compared to US stadiums it is rather small, I believe it holds somewhere around the 23,000 range. It was much different than walking into Neyland Stadium to watch the VOLS play an SEC game that's for sure. And don't any of you haters say it's because the home team won. GO VOLS!!!

After a quick bite we made our way into the stadium. Here is something you don't see in the states, betting at the stadium. I guess one of the ways it works is that you can bet on a win and by how many goals each team is going to score. I have never been much of a gambler, but maybe next time I'll give it a try.

We then made our way to our seats. Micael had arranged for the tickets and did a wonderful job, midfield and two rows up, not too shabby. Here are some pics of the game. In case you wonder about the sprinklers (like I did) it is common in the Swedish league for the home team to wet the vistors' side of the field that they will be defending in the second half. It is meant to give the home team a faster pitch to play on for the second half. Those sneaky Swedes!

At the end of the game it is custom for Malmö FF to thank their adoring fans for their loyalty and support during the game. Here are a few of videos of the fans that I managed to get during the game.

I had an amazing time! The crowd was in it the whole game, and I didn't get hit with anything or by anyone. I call that a win, win, win! Big thanks to Micael for inviting me to the game and showing me how they do fotboll, Swedish style!

I hope to go to several more games this season and in the years to come. I'll have to keep you all updated as to who my favorite Swedish team and players are. Hej då!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

We have STUFF again!

On Monday our container arrived at the house! We got word last week that it had made it to Sweden on Wednesday. They had originally planned to deliver it on Friday, which we were SUPER excited about, but we had to wait for our stuff to get through customs. Oh well... Any way it arrived on Monday and boy were we glad. Here are some pics.

We were so stoked to see a bed again. The air mattress was nice don't get me wrong, but we had no idea how much we missed our GIANT bed! As well as a place to sit and eat. 

We weren't the only ones excited about seeing our bed. 

We will do a follow up on our stuff and house once we are unpacked and settled. We know you are all anxious to see the place and Michelle doing laps in the pool. LOL :-) Thank you all so much for your comments and views on our blog, we LOVE IT! just so you all know we have had over 1,000 hits from you guys! Thanks for being a part of our experience!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Charlie around town Part 2

On Sunday we saw the sun!!  It had been a week, some sleet, and some snow since we'd seen the sun, so it was nice.  I'm not going to say it was necessarily warm, but there was sun!  We had heard that the cathedral in Lund gave tours in English, so I was hoping to catch one of those.  It turns out they only have regular tours June - September, so you'll have to wait for that one.  With the cathedral off the table, we decided Charlie needed to take a trip into Lund.  Off to the bus stop we went!

We took the 166 into Lund at 1:35.  Charlie was excited.  Usually he is either dropping off or picking up his momma at the stop, but this time, he was ready for travel.

The bus was not very full.  Most stores are closed on Sunday, so not many people are headed into town.  We headed to the back of the bus in hopes to have a little room for our big boy.  After some rearranging and not quite fitting, he got into position.

It's been a while since he has had a chance to watch out the window, so he was happy about the view.

Family Everett on the public transport

We got off the bus and headed down the city streets.  There were a lot of new smells and distractions!

Spring Flowers!

We visited the cathedral, and took turns going inside.  Even though there aren't tours, the building is open most of the day, and Chris spoke to someone inside.  There are English tours the first weekend of each month during the off months, then twice a day during the summer.

It's not a neck brace, I was trying to embrace the sun =)

After a lot of city street walking and chasing some ducks we found this park with an art installation of some sort.  There wasn't a plaque or sign, so we have no idea about the art or the building in the background.

There are ducks in the shadows

After a little more exploration Charlie found a hobbit hole!  We have NO idea what was going on here, but there was certainly some sort of underground building.

This is the roof
So after a couple hours of walking the streets, Charlie ended his day like any good Swede, with fika al fresco! (Ok maybe just mom and dad had coffee)

In case you were wondering what Tyler was up to during all this adventuring.  It wasn't much.