
Friday, April 5, 2013

ESS: Day 1

I started work on Tuesday April 2.  I am working at the European Spallation Source.  It is a yet to be built neutron source meant for scientific research.  It will be very similar to the Spallation Neutron Source where I did experiments at Oak Ridge National Lab.  Here I am.

I'm wearing 3 layers of black pants, two layers of gray sweaters, black coat, black gloves, and black and gray hiking boots, I should fit in just fine.  It's a 5 minute walk from the house (in the background) to the bus stop.  My boys have been kind enough to walk me there every morning!

The bus runs every 10 minutes and I catch the 8:03.  The 7:53 is no good, because it is jam packed with school kids, which leaves me no where to sit!  Since there is such good public transportation here, there is no sense in having school buses, so all the kids ride the public buses to school. My bus ride is about 30 minutes.  When I get off the bus there's a 15 minute walk to the office.  The cold is challenging, but the morning walk is in the sun, which is very nice.  I have never loved the sun more than I do now!  This particular morning it was 17 degrees. Brrrrr

I was at work by 8:50ish, which was just in time for Science Coffee.  Every Tuesday morning at 9:00 the day starts with fika.  Fika is an event involving coffee, company, and talks.  Just like you'd say, "Hey want to meant me for some coffee at Starbucks?"  Here it's just, "Fika?"  There is a fancy electronic coffee machine that will spit out just about any latte, coffee drink you can think of.  Only two flavors though, coffee or chocolate.  Most people don't consider this proper coffee, but it will do.  Sorry for slacking, there's no picture.  There is a picture of my office, though.

Yep, that's right, a MacBook!!  Yay!  I love Apple products.  The door to my office is a clever set up.  It is a door to the office and also a door to a coat closet.  So when I open my office door all the way it closes into a door frame that houses hooks for my coat!

office door open
closet door open

The desks are quite clever as well.  All the desks are adjustable tables.

You can push the button up or down to adjust to your wishes.  Lots of people have them all the way up so that they stand.  Toby, you need one of these!

The offices are on the end of the building which is round.  There are 4 floors that surround a spiral staircase.  Some offices look out onto the atrium/staircase area and some look outside the building.  Mine looks out toward the staircase.  Here's the view.


elevators behind/beside staircase

ground floor
The best score for the day was this,

unscented hand soap in the restroom!! 

All in all it was a good day.  I think I'll make it at least a little longer =)


  1. Very nice office! How are your office mates? Does everyone speak swedish all the time? Those two boys that accompany you to the bus stop sure are cute!

  2. Thanks! The scientists I work with are great! In the Science Directorate there are 4 divisions. I am in the Neutron Sciences division, which only has me and the division leader at this point. Another division is the instrument division, which has all the instrument scientists, and that's who I work most closely with, no Swedes there, but all European nonetheless, England, Northern Ireland, Greece, Germany, Spain, France, and Finland that I know so far. The meetings and seminars are all in English, and all the Scientists speak English to each other, but there are certainly Swedish conversations elsewhere! All the support staff seems to be Swedish and the management company that we rent from is Swedish.

  3. Your office is so cool! I love the desks and that ingenious door/closet situation. You'll have to report in on how the standing desk goes.=)
