
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Välkommen to Sverige!!

We got a welcome package in the mail from our Aussie friends Toby and Christine!  They don't leave packages on your doorstep here.  You get a letter in the mail box, and you go to the local grocery (where all the post offices are) to get it. It was really cool getting a letter in the mail saying that we had a package. To be honest Chris almost threw the letter away because he thought it was something else. Of course the mail to the house is in Swedish, so we have to take it to be translated. When the lady read it to us and told us we had a package, we were thrilled. Chris hopped on the bike and went to the ICA to go and retrieve it. When he got to the counter and told the lady he needed to pick up his package, she asked if  he had the letter with the ID number on it, he said yep. He reached in his bag and … *@&% he had left it on the counter in the kitchen. So back on the bike and back to the house. After burning twice the calories it takes to get to the store and back he got the package and it was worth it.

 It contained lots of food goodies and a blanket, an orange blanket =)

A quick breakfast is always handy!  Mmmmm, pop tarts =)

1 comment:

  1. Yay, so glad you didn't throw away your Swedish letter.

    Now that we know you have a better variety in your grocery stores than we do, I'll have to get more creative next time!

    Go Big Orange! =)
