
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

A Swedish day in the North

We got an early start our first day. After breakfast we headed to the North mountain. Sundsvall is located in a valley between the North and South mountains. At the top of the North mountain there is an observation tower, a restaurant, and a museum. We took lots of pictures while walking around the outdoor museum.

One thing that Magnus and I noticed were that the doors of the cottages seemed small for vikings. So we asked one of the guides and he explained that the daughters and wives lived in these cottages during the warmer months and raised crops and cattle. They took care of making cheese, butter, and milking the cows for the village and their families. The guide had actually made some cheese and offered us some. It was salty and and tasted like a mozzarella.

After spending some time walking around outside, we ventured into the gift shop to investigate the Skvader. Story has it that a hunter shot the Skvader a few hundred years ago. It is said to be a rabbit in the front and have a grouse tail. Still to this day some of the locals claim to see it for time to time.

Sorry about the quality. This is a picture of a picture.

We left the North mountain and headed to Sweden's Midpoint. It is approximately an hour west of Sundsvall. When we arrived we crossed a cool bridge and then headed up a mountain. At the top of the mountain there was a look out tower with some really good views of the valleys below.

On our way back down I snapped a shot of a tree stand used for hunting moose. I thought some of my friends and family back in Knoxville might get a kick out of this.

We then headed back to Sundsvall to meet up with Magnus' mom who was taking us chanterelle mushroom hunting. One thing I learned before moving to Sweden was that every good Swede has their own favorite spot for mushrooms and berries. We found lots of chanterelles, blueberries, and raspberries.

A couple of other things of interest were thee giant ant hills. They were the biggest ant hills I'd ever seen. Also this was as close as I got to seeing any moose... tracks and poop. Oh well maybe next time.

While we hunted for goodies I ran across some giant ant hills. They were huge!!!

After hunting for mushrooms and berries we cooked some burgers and sausages for dinner. We then headed to a nearby lake that adjoins the Baltic sea. We fired up the boat and cruised around for about an hour. We made it back to the dock and then headed back to the house. It was a busy day! I saw a lot of the town and was definitely ready for a good night sleep.

1 comment:

  1. I love this post! The views from the mountain are so beautiful. I also can't get over how heavy the clouds are - I don't think I've ever seen clouds like that.

    The mushroom hunting looks like something I'd be totally into. Maybe you can get some started around your yard for when we're there, and you can send me out on a hunt...
