
Wednesday, September 11, 2013


During lunch at work one day I was sitting with all Swedes.  They were discussing their plans for summer holiday and a craft festival came up.  I asked for details and decided to go.  It was in Båstad (an å sounds like a long o).  This was the furthest north we had been so far and it seemed easy enough to get to by train.  The neighbors across the street knew we had been planning to go, and were nice enough to get us a map and show us where the festival would be in town.

It was another beautiful day, so I dressed the part while I could.  We had 3 weeks of sun and 80 degrees this summer. While it seemed like we should have had 3 months of that weather to me, everyone assured us that it was the nicest summer in 10 years.  I guess we were just lucky.

It was your average craft festival.  Looked like most I've been to.  People and tents everywhere.

You may notice three guys in this pic are wearing capris.  All men of all ages wear capris here, but oddly enough you don't really see women wearing them.

The festival was on the coast, so that was nice.  I was excited to be out and about.

Chris was excited to be in the ice cream line!

There were crafts of all sorts.

Yard Ornaments

Glass Work
Wool Critters

Interesting Somethings...

Wool Stools

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