
Saturday, October 19, 2013


The weather here has pretty much been as expected. We had 2 or 3 days when it made it to 80 and about 4 weeks of 70's. The last 2 weeks of August it was in the 60's, and since it's been in the 50's. These are highs of course. Yesterday there was a real bite in the air and my optician told me autumn was finally here. When I got home from work it was 52. By the time we got back from Charlie's walk it was 45 and after dinner it was 37. When I crawled in the bed it was 33 and when I woke up Saturday it was 30!

I didn't think about the lettuce in time to save it from the freeze, so it looked like this. Surprisingly though, it survived!

Chris learned a lot about our heating system this week when the repair guy came out. The thermostat is actually outside the house and decides when the heat is on or off based on the outside temperature. I can't wrap my head around this as someone who uses as little electricity as possible. Although I suppose it's good that the control is out of my hands because our house is a balmy 77! I might survive this winter after all.

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