
Friday, January 10, 2014

Watson's Bay

Thank you Sydney for such an amazing fireworks display on New Years, and thank you Toby and Christine for living in such an awesome area for firework watching. On New Year's Eve Christine and I had a girly day of leisure. She wrote all about it here.
That evening we ate snacks, played Firefly the board game, which btw I have handily won both times we played. Then it was out for fireworks. We watched them from Lavender Bay, which gave us a view of both the bridge show and the fireworks in Darling Harbour.

The next day we headed out to Watson's Bay. It's out by the heads. We passed it on our way to Manly Beach. Christine had mentioned that you could walk out to the heads, so we put it on the list.
Due to the fact that the heads are like gates between the harbor and the ocean, there was of course a military installation here. This road is the original road to the installation.

Here's the beach at Watson's Bay. The ferry came in on the far side of this pic. The walk up to the heads is only about 20 or 30 minutes.

It's a fun walk and the view at the end is amazing.

It was very windy and overcast that day. It was so peaceful though, we sat here for a while and just enjoyed the wind and ocean.

You can see the other side of the heads across the way in this pic.
We walked on a some time and made it to edge. The view was breathtaking.

We learned that the US sent 6 ships to invade the Sydney Harbor back in 18 something. I certainly had no idea that had happened.

Did I mention it was windy?
Chris gets nervous about edges of high places, and that doesn't apply to just him. If I get close to the edge, he gets all antsy. This was how I tried to appease him.

Christine's Watson's Bay post is here.

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