
Sunday, September 14, 2014


There's a mini cruise to Oslo from Copenhagen that Chris and I have been wanting to take. We decided it was a good adventure to take with Mark and Daddy. The cruise leaves from Copenhagen at 4:30 in the afternoon and arrives in Oslo at 9:45 the next morning.


I sure didn't take any pics of the boat inside, but it was pretty nice. There was a lounge in the back of the ship full of super comfy chairs and was lined with windows. It turned into our regular place. We sat there and watched the world go by.

The next morning we headed up on the top deck. We were in Norwegian waters now. Norway is absolutely amazing. It is such a beautiful country. The water we were sailing in is a fjord. It was created during the ice age. The weight of the glaciers pressed the earth down forming valleys that filled with water when the ice melted. As a result there are a lot of rock islands in the fjord.

When you get to Oslo, you have 6 hours to roam about, then it's the same schedule again. The boat leaves at 4:30 in the afternoon, and you're back in Copenhagen by 9:45 the next morning. We decided to take a bus tour of the city while we were there. I don't love pictures from windows, so there's not so many of the city, but take my word for it, it is a great city! Lots of cozy little shops and cafés, great architecture, well-kept gardens and parks, and of course, plenty of history.

We stopped at Frogner Park to walk through the sculpture installation by Gustavo Vigelund. There were hundreds of sculptures throughout the park filled with trees, roses, and walking paths.



We headed outside of town up a windy mountain road, and visited an Olympic ski jump.



The tour finished off at the Viking Museum. There were 3 ships. They were found because they had been used for burials. One of the ships was a luxury ship and the other was an exploring ship. They believe it was sailed to Canada. I couldn't really tell any difference between them, and sure couldn't imagine sailing across the Atlantic in one of this!


The weather was so amazing. We sat out on the top deck as we left port.


It was a perfect little get away.


1 comment:

  1. Love the photo of you and guys are looking more and more like Europeans! Hope you're having a great time with the family! xx
