
Wednesday, November 19, 2014


Chris and I went to Prague this weekend! Growing up in the height of the USSR gives me a certain strange feeling about Eastern Bloch countries. This is my 4th former Soviet country this year! When I was a kid I used to imagine I was a spy in Czechoslovakia along with my imaginary friend Carol. I was a bit disappointed when the country didn't make it through the reorganization, but hey, it's still the same land, even if it lost the name. So here I am, finally in, well, the Czech Republic.

The city center is absolutely georgeous! The architecture is even better than In Budapest, and that's saying a lot. The buildings are all tall, and the streets are not in boring crisscross grids, but rather in curvy, windy patterns, which makes for some really cool street walking.



The buildings are very different from each other and extremely detailed.



There are a lot of painted buildings as well.



The sidewalks are all cobblestone, small cobblestone, and many varying patterns. Even when we switched hotels to further out of the city, all the sidewalks are patterned.


After the first day of getting to know the city, we were ready to head out and see more the next day!


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