
Friday, March 29, 2013

ABC: The End of an Era

Friday March 8, 2013 was a rough day for me. The day started like any other day. I woke up, showered and didn't shave. Michelle greeted me in the very empty kitchen with my green tea and sent me on my way. I knew that this would be the last time I would be making the trek to Jefferson City this early in the morning.

I always looked forward to this time of year, the time of year when I would climb in the Jeep and make the AM work commute with daylight. I knew that even though the time would "spring ahead" soon, and I would be back to driving in the dark for another month, that this was the time of year when the warm weather was just around the corner. Those that truly know me would tell you that I am a Jerry Garcia fan for life. With that being said I knew that I was going to need a little help from Jerry to get me through the day. I listened to JGB from San Fran 3-8-80 on what seemed like the shortest commute to work ever that morning. I was feeling good when I arrived at work, but I knew that it would not last. I had too many goodbyes to make today and I was not looking forward to any of them.

I worked until a little after 9:30 and then decided that I had put it off long enough, it was time to man up and get this show on the road. I walked through the warehouse to the production area first and said goodbye to so many people that had made me feel welcome the first time and every time I stepped foot in American Book Company. The list is too long to mention everyone, so I won't. To those of you that read this blog, if I missed speaking to you that day is was not intentional. I enjoyed working with everyone at ABC and I wish you all the best.

I do want to share a funny thing that someone did say to me that day. It went like this. Me: Hey guy, it has been a pleasure working with you. Good luck to you and your family in the future. I hope that everything works out for you here and outside of work. Guy: Thanks, you too Chris. So where is it you're moving to? Me: Sweden. Guy: Oh... yall flyin or drivin? Me: ?????? LMAO!!!

I enjoyed the time I spent at American Book Company. I met a lot of great people and had some fun and challenging times. American Book Company helped me provide for my family for several years. Although I would love to stay and see what the future there would bring, we all must move on at some point. Michelle and I are off to begin our next chapter in life. I don't think that either of us ever thought that Sweden would be our next stop, but here we go! Thanks to everyone that I worked with over the years. I am sure that at one point or another we shared a moment and if you ever want to reminisce, look me up.

Hej Då!

1 comment:

  1. I love that you already look like a Swede in the photo!!! HA !
