
Friday, March 29, 2013

Farewell to Richmond Friends and Family - take 1

We headed up to Richmond on March 19th. It was hard to leave our house that morning, we love our little house in South Knox. We have decided to rent it out just incase we need an evacuation plan in the next year or two. Here is a picture of us saying good bye to the house.

We got on the road and headed to Richmond to see my friends and family. OK so we have a very large dog named Charlie and he is one of our spoiled kids. If you didn't know we also have a cat named Tyler Durden. (insert Fight Club reference here) Both of our kids were on board for the journey to Europe. I will go ahead and let you all know now that both kids did great on the plane and are now living the dream in Sweden, more on the kids later. Here is a picture of the two of them trying to figure out what is going on as we head to Richmond.

We got to Richmond and stayed at my buddy Drew's house. Big thanks to Drew and Amanda for the hospitality to the Everett's that week. Wednesday was friends day so I had the day all planned out to hang with my buddies and chill downtown. We started the day at Legend Brewery. The plan was to have a beer or two along with some apps and then head down the road for some some lunch in The Fan. It was so nice that day we stayed on the patio at Legend for 5 hours in the sun. Did I mention that I got super sunburned? Well i did. It couldn't have been any nicer! Later we went to my buddy Jerry's house and he cooked burgers on the grill. We got to see his family and they were nice opened their doors for longtime friends to stop by and say hey. This truly was a great day!! Thank you friends!

Thursday was family day. We met up with my dad at his house and headed downtown to Strawberry Street Cafe for some lunch. My aunt Betty came into town with her husband Jim to send us off with their best wishes. Big thanks to them for stopping by, it was really nice. Sister Sara and her husband Brandon came with the twins and we all had a nice lunch. We ate at Mama Zu's that night. If you asked me what I was going to miss most in the states I wouldn't have to think to hard about it... the answer would be Mama Zu's. Hopefully Michelle and I will be reporting in the future that we made it to Italy and found somewhere that compares or dare I say it, is even better than the Zu. Anyway, we had another awesome meal at Mama Zu's with my sister, Brandon, and my dad. It was a great way to spend our last night in the states. Thanks family!! 

We hit the road on Friday morning and headed to Dulles International Airport to catch our flight. We headed to my dad's for one last goodbye. Miss you Dad! My sister and Brandon rode with us up to the airport and got us unloaded and checked in. They then got our car back to Richmond for us. Thanks to both of them for being troopers that day, we owe you guys big time. After we checked it at the airport we both took a few minutes to send out a few text messages and the then our journey began. Hej då!


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