
Friday, March 29, 2013

Packing 426 Haywood

When we found out that we were going to have movers show up and move us, we had no idea what we were in for. The movers were scheduled to arrive on Thursday, February 28 and Michelle and I had quite a bit of work ahead of us but we were up for the challenge.

We started in the shed. If you didm't know by now we are moving to Sweden. With that being said what kind of yard tools do you take to Sweden? Who the hell knows, so that part went pretty fast none of it was going. I won't bore you with an itemized detailed list of what we decided to pack from the shed, but it wasn't much. Anything that did make the cut got brought into the house and put in the guest room. That info will be important later.

Over the next several weeks leading up to the 28th we took some time every evening to go through rooms, closets, boxes, drawers, and God knows what else. You never really realize how much useless crap you have until you have to go through it all. We paired down quite a bit, we had to since we were only going to be getting a 20' container. Michelle's folks were kind enough to offer us some storage space at their house while we are "out of town." We had to make some hard decisions but were able to get everything ready for the big day.

The movers arrived around 8:30 AM. There were three of them and they brought a giant truck. After they arrived I showed them what was getting packed and what wasn't. They divided and conquered and got done in about 5 hours. One guy took care of the kitchen and some odds and ends. Another got the living room, office, and master bedroom. Remember me mentioning earlier about the guest room? In the several weeks it took us to go through everything, the guest room became the catch all room. One of the guys got that room, and we never saw him agin. I guess there is a chance he got wrapped and then boxed so he may end up in Sweden, guess we'll see. They finished boxing everything but the furniture and left around 1:00 PM that day.


On Friday two of the movers returned to load the truck. The crew leader took a very detailed inventory of all of our goods as the other guy started to load the truck. The guy that started loading the truck single handedly loaded everything on the truck that day all by himself, with the exception of our king size mattress, it was pretty impressive. While the guy loaded the truck the crew leader finish the packing lists and then began wrapping furniture. He did an amazing job (I guess we'll have to see if it actually makes it here in one piece before I say amazing), but seriously you could have dropped this stuff of the roof of the house and it would have survived. There were two guys that showed up a little later to crate our glass table top, TV, and giant mirror. Each got crated separately and it was a whole production. These guys had things done in about 4 hours. Michelle and I then waved goodbye to all of our belongings and hoped that they survive the trek across the Atlantic.

Unfortunately I didn't take a lot of pictures that day. I think the main reason was I was just so impressed with the whole operation I just took it all in. I will however be taking several pictures of the unpacking process. Who doesn't want to see some real Swedes organizing their stuff, right? Hej Då!

1 comment:

  1. Hej! Love the blog and the pics! It's weird to see the Haywood house like that. Such good times were had there!

    You'll have to teach us how to organize Swede-style!
