
Thursday, June 13, 2013

International Food Festival

Chris has started his Swedish lessons, so he is in the city center everyday.  A few weeks back he had seen that there was an international festival of sorts.  On the Friday of that week we decided to meet there when I got off work.  It was awesome!  A number of countries were represented and it was mostly food they had to sell.  There were both prepared items to eat right away and things to be bought for later.

The first tent I saw was fudge from England. Mmmmmmm, fudge!  I definitely took some this home.

dried meats from Italy

There was a non-specific Mediterranean booth with olives, nuts, and baklava! 

Here's a little shout out to all the Northern Exposure peeps.  Pierogis!!

This guy was British.  He was selling cheese and jams and various other types of sauces.  He was giving out samples of cheese and telling stories to go along with.  He asked us Swedish or English when we walked up and of course we said English, which then he asked where we were from.  We said the states, and he said, yeah I get that, but where in the states.  I talked for just a minute and asked him if he could guess.  All the Swedes I talk to can immediately pick out that I am from the South; it made me wonder if all Europeans could.  Sure enough, he guessed it!  We bought some stilton and some scorcher cheese.  The scorcher was cheddar with a lot of peppers.  The flavor was REALLY good, but it was way too hot for me.  Chris says he would give anything to get his hands on some more!

Even Australia made it to the international market.  Now, that's a long trip.



It was a lot of fun to see the different kinds of food.  My favorite part was seeing the giant sauté  pans they were using to prepare the food.

1 comment:

  1. This looks SO FUN! I love the Mediterranean booth and I also love that Australia decided to represent. So cool!
